The Myth of the Wild Hunt

Igor Garkavenko is a famous revolutionary poet, philosopher and former prisoner of conscience. In 2015, Igor opened the fourth ASGARDSREI with a specially prepared lecture on the Wild Hunt. We remind you of this important speech, important to read (or rather watch the video) for each of our comrades:

Before we move on to the main topic, I would like to tell you about such a concept as Myth. If you want to touch such a phenomenon of geopolitics, psychology, sociology, sacred and esoteric, primordial as Europe, nothing else will help you except Myth and the point of view of Myth.

Myth is fundamentally different from religion. (As we know there were three religions). These are Abrahamic religions, there were no others. All the rest are named something else. These are all those that originated in the Middle East. So, if you try to touch Europe from the point of view of the Middle East and one of these religions, you will absolutely fail. For all these religions, in spite of their antagonisms, disagreements and enmities, agree on one thing, that in the beginning there was the word. Therefore they are called religions of revelation, religions of writing, religions of the book, and so on. Myth is something quite the opposite.

The myth says that, no more or less than in the beginning, there was a deed. “In order for this world to arise,” says the Myth, it was necessary to fight with a rather terrible and horrible creature to someone who could be capable of it, and win, in order for the World to arise. In order for spring to be in three or four months, we are used to the fact that it is always there, but in the mythological realm it is far from always there and sometimes you need to earn it, because it is guarded by some kind of monster, which again you need to fight, to kill, and it’s normal to burry, in order for us to have spring, in order for the sun to rise tomorrow, you need to fight, you need to kill. If someone is dear to you and he or she has already ended up in the world of the dead, in hell or in paradise, wherever, and you think that his or her place is here, again, according to the Myth, you must do exactly the same thing that you should do in all previous cases. You will have to seduce the Goddess, you will have to steal something from some God, you will have to fight with another God not for life, but for death. Till absolute death, once and for all. In order to take someone who is dear to you literally by the hand from the world of the dead, from hell or from paradise, it doesn’t matter to you. It’s important that this person is meant to be here.

Therefore, the Myth, the password of the Myth – in the beginning was the Deed. The password of revealed religions, scriptural religions, book religions – in the beginning was the Word. Proceeding from this, I want to tell you that wherever the European would not be throughout the entire World History, when he was at the height of his status, he was quite spiritual, esoteric, sacred, almost Übermensch, or when he was enough profane, material, but always in other atlases, in other meridians of the planet, he was expected and perceived not from the point of view of the word, but only from the point of view of action.

For example, we can take Alexander the Great, who they call in Asia as Iskander Zulkarnain, he turned out to be worthy of the Koran and the Bible talking about him, and so not a single word of him is there, not a single phrase of him, not a single tablet of him is there . There is only that he reached the edge of midnight, he reached the demonic realms, he defeated them, he sealed them and built a wall there that should prevent them from breaking through and entering here. When this wall collapses, the very end of the world, Armageddon, will come. When some White Guard general with a red beard, a descendant of the Teutonic knights and pirates rolled into one, with his wild Asian division ends up in Mongolia, he deserves no more, no less than what he would be designated there – the God of War, what would after that some poet wrote about him like this:

«I have heard:

In Mongolian dull uluses,

Shaking a child in a smoky fire,

Slanting woman in rings and beads

Sings about a baron on a black horse…»

A European, wherever he is, he is expected from the point of view of action, he is expected from the point of view of coming and killing everyone, he is expected from the point of view that he can come and conquer everyone, he is expected from the point of view of that he can come and save everyone, he is expected from the point of view that he can come with his action of the Sacred, of the most physical and metaphysical nature, break through them or set a certain metaphysical era of prosperity. The European is always the subject of action. There is such a very interesting sacred process, a ritual – this process lies in the fact that we can close all the doors here and carry out our ritual with you, it will always consist in one thing, that with the help of a leader or without him, but a neophyte will have to form of esoteric, sacred, sacred imitation, to go through the stages of a certain first hero, who went through for real, a thousand years ago, for real every second of his being, realizing that he does this in no way because of imitation, that on the stake is his life and his death, forever and ever.

So, this Ritual, which we can meet in the corners of the whole planet, it is a kind of password for the European. European, genuine European, Nordic European, Mediterranean (one who is related to Rome, to Sparta), he reacts, and passes, and passes this exam in only one way, without waiting for the completion of this ritual, I speak in poetic form, and not even completing it often, he opens the doors and goes outside into the profane world, while leaving the doors fundamentally open behind him, and from that very moment Sacred History begins, which is then taught to schoolchildren in textbooks, as ordinary history, subject to the law of sociology, the law of relationships nationalities. In fact, only since then does sacred history begin, for this person, leaving the doors open behind him, allows the sacred to pour into profane space, and in this profane space he will not see imitation, but will see genuine competition, confrontation, he meets and conquers all those subjects whom he, like the native or aborigine, had to overthrow and defeat there in the form of imitation. This is the examination of a European, a person of the Nordic race (sometimes Mediterranean).

Odin’s Wild Hunt is a rather interesting phenomenon, it was known before our era, after that it sounded very serious and no matter how hard Christianity tried, alas, it failed to drown it out in our era, in the flesh until the 17th-19th centuries.

The Wild Hunt of Odin in the eyes of an ordinary person is a terrible, monstrous line of horsemen, terrifying horsemen, around whom the same terrifying dogs rush with eyes burning like fire and like coals. And everyone acts in accordance with what he sees, as his gut tells him, as his own soul tells him. From the point of view of Ancient Germany, Scandinavia, there is one answer to this challenge, like this string of wild, monstrous horsemen who one day appear and ride over you, almost touching your head with their hooves. When Christianity came, it created, or rather came up with a completely different reaction, a different response to this challenge, everything was concrete for it, these horsemen are jumping from Hell itself, these are all evil spirits, these are all demons and they have only one goal – to take everyone with them unbaptized and take with them to Hell those who do not obey the church, those who advise: “do not look at them when they are jumping, but bury your face in the ground, they will spit on you, they have such a custom, but then you will stay here at our church.” And so, when they pass by, in order for you to be completely cleansed, you must get up, spit to the side and move on. So, the Pagan world, the world of the Berserkers, the world of the Bear Warriors, the world of the Wolves, the World that is not accustomed to kneeling before fate, but accustomed to compete with it, they had a different answer to the challenge of when one day they see these horsemen, they knew very well that if the riders found you under the roof of your house – you are finished, if they found you in the forest or in the steppe – not bad enough, since the riders have a certain disposition for a non-settled lifestyle, nomadic and warlike, so it may even be lucky, that you are not at home, under a sufficiently serious roof that can protect you from all climatic inclement weather. If you are in the steppe, or in the forest, or in the mountains, the horsemen will treat you mercifully. If you follow all this (the church didn’t get tired of writing that you shouldn’t look at them in any case), but if you spit on that too and threw a certain cry after them, an encouraging cry, then their leader Odin, he can throw you something, that falling will turn into gold, he can reward you, but in the most interesting case, they, without asking you, but realizing that this corresponds to a certain innermost desire, will have to take you with them.

I approached this idea, this phenomenon, this Myth, just as I approached the ritual, just as I approached the Myth, and naturally I saw in it the test that a true warrior, a true aristocrat, must pass, for these horsemen, as a rule, appear in autumn, when it is warm, is about to be replaced by a storm of winter, a snowstorm, November (the month of suicides), when one was to be replaced by another, when this crack arose between the worlds, and in them understanding, the sun had to die, setting into the abyss, and especially for the northern peoples, and after that it should have arisen a few months later, at this moment of emphasizing this dramatic and tragic moment, this Wild Hunt arose and carried out, and people, in accordance with their being, with their spiritual DNA, must have reacted to the Wild Hunt in different ways. Verification of those people who will be divided, put on the shelves, that is, in other words, verification of all of you, it is rather non-multiple. Someone preferred, following the advice of Christianity, to fall face down into the ground and was spit upon, then got up and spitting went on to his wife, cutlets, children, pigs, chickens, and so on. There were others who were not shy and were not afraid of Paganism, all the more so, I am sure that there were such under Christianity, who allowed themselves to throw a cry encouraging this monstrous, terrible, unshakable band and received a reward. But of course there were those who preferred to run after them.

Therefore, Odin’s Wild Hunt is the name of today’s event in so many cultures, nations, states of Europe, it is called the Wild Hunt of Charlemagne, it is called the Wild Hunt of Ronald, who died in the Perinei, in Spain, sometimes it was carried out and carried out, as they say in legends, by historical figures, this is King Arthur’s Wild Hunt, etc.

When you see this row of riders, in other words you are in November, but not in your November, you are used to December after November, and in a few months you will be in shorts and a T-shirt, and everything will be fine, no, but in that November, in which the ancients were, extraordinary November, which you can have once, the only one in your entire life, this means that the sun will die, that you will no longer be, that the abyss will come. And then at this very moment in this abyss, sometimes of a political nature, you see this string of monstrous and terrible horsemen, you have to deal with yourself, fall face down in the dust in order to be spat upon, throw out a cheerful cry to them, if you have the courage, and that the most important thing is to rush after them at a gallop, for they are led by the one who is between life and death, who has already been there, returned here and can just as easily be there. In other words, if metaphorically translated into our modern language – I recently read that there are cultures in which the personality of a person, the geography of a person and the periods of life in which he changed – are not one person. And the same goes for looking at History. History has moments when it is under the auspices of the Security Forces, burgher, bourgeois security. It can be seen that the warriors are busy with something else at such a time, there are many worlds after all.

There comes a moment when Shiva comes to Vishnu, when this other moment comes, and the world immediately and completely becomes different, this means that this is Fate, this means that this is an element, this means that chaos has replaced the order, and someone from you can be told that the Maidan, where the paving stones break through the skull, where they kill in chaos, I am a man of order, I will not participate in this chaos, let it end, and I, as a man of order, will remain, and after that – not a Berkut with shields and batons, but people appear on the horizon at the ready with a Kalashnikov assault rifle – and so a chain reaction goes on. You wonder if I will accept this chaos, because it is a destiny that I cannot refuse or will refuse because I belong to order?

The Wild Hunt of Odin and the string of these monstrous riders, but only for those who have not yet accepted this as their own being, as their own path, speaks of and gives us a password and an exam on how exactly we will accept our own destiny, one at all, for fate may have a name – War, it may be called rebellion, it may sometimes be called death. And the man of Nord, the European with whom I started this conversation, he has only one approach to Fate, to Doom, to Fatum, from which it is impossible to escape – he must accept it. He must accept the challenge. In order to stand in it, to stay on your feet, only in order to then subordinate it to your will. The one who denies fate, the spirit of the times, the one who bypasses it, it will not care about him now and at the next stage, and so on. If you want to subdue chaos and you say that you are people of order, you must go into this chaos with your head, into the chaos of rebellion and into the chaos of war, because the new order will be created by people who have tasted chaos, and were not ashamed, and were not afraid of it.

Well, the last thing I wanted to end on – there was one person, bright, remarkable in my life – this is Orest Kvach. My first acquaintance with him was quite significant, because there were two of them. One of them is now involved in the case of murder of Buzina, and the second was Orest Kvach. That man was modest, but was not shy, he asked a lot of questions. I met him at all my lectures, and also he, the only one often, came up and asked me questions. I knew, looking at him, I was sure, in some intuitive way, I was sure that this man was waiting for a great, glorious, fabulous (in terms of kshatrism and military principle) future, simply brilliant, about which only the greatest books can write, dedicated to it. And suddenly, in the Aidar battalion, he was killed, a few days before I was supposed to go there. And I came across an interesting fact – this is my impression, this is my intuition, this is my confidence, it was faced with such an alternative as a purely statistical, chronological and obituary set of numbers of words that he no longer exists. And these two moments – the statistics of his death entered into a large-scale, mythological conflict with all the brilliance that he radiated when I saw him. My problem was: What is stronger, what sets its stake for the future? This glitter that says he doesn’t care about death, doesn’t care about statistics or this cold rational statistics? And I wrote an article about this confrontation. And the only comment that was under this article, and I very colorfully described what kind of brilliance the person radiated, and how aristocratic, military promising he was, this brilliance – it wrote “This is how they go to Valhalla.” That’s how they go to Valhalla. Because they go to Valhalla, friends, not with a soul, without a body, but in a body, but this body is so noble that the only clue to what it is exactly is how it looked at the time of the terrible last battle of this Hero.

Do they come from there? There are some very interesting facts as well. For example, there was the Battle of Marathon, which decided the fate of Greece, and after it the fate of Europe. So, in the battle of Marathon, the Greeks, who fought against the prevailing enemy, saw a strange Greek who, with a plow, not dressed in military fashion, laid down an incredible number of Persians. They looked for him after the battle, but they never found him. The battle was won, and in search they went to the Oracle, and the Oracle, as she did not like superfluous words, answered them briefly: honor him as “The Man with the Ploughhandle.” This is how the nameless Hero entered, and his image is even on one of the porticos, along with images of fighters with names. It was one of the invasions of the mythological space, it was the Hero who invaded from the mythological space. Therefore, Valhalla awaits us! And we are glad to see this terrible and monstrous line of riders with these terrible dogs. This is Fate itself, this is Fatum, the Spirit of the Times! Nobody wants to be spit on, I’m sure of it, therefore – look into the eyes, throw a call, ignore the reward and ride after them. And the One who is on the border between life and death will lead them, for he was both there and here. And he promises those who rush after him not rewards in this world, as to the one who threw the cry, not spitting, as to the one who fell into the mud, but the same Immortality, equal to the Immortality that He possesses.